ReactJS has gained significant popularity among developers for its features and capabilities. It isn’t just a tool or a framework. Rather, it is a JavaScript library specifically designed for building user interfaces. Companies like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix and many others are continuously improving their user experiences by leveraging ReactJS.
ReactJS allows users to create large web applications that can handle dynamic data changes without reloading the page. Its core focus on speed, simplicity, and scalability makes it a go-to choice for developers.
The popularity of ReactJS can be best demonstrated by the number of high-profile apps that rely on it. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some examples of ReactJS-powered apps and why these companies have chosen ReactJS.
It’s no surprise that Meta’s Facebook, where ReactJS was initially created, utilizes this library. The Facebook website itself is built with React, and the mobile app employs React Native, a version of React specifically designed for iOS and Android native components.
This popular communications app from Meta also uses ReactJS for building user interfaces alongside other efficient engines such as Underscore.js and Velocity.js. The recent WhatsApp Web app also incorporates ReactJS to enhance the overall user experience.
ReactJS plays a significant role in Instagram’s functionality, enabling features such as geolocation, Google Maps APIs, accurate search engines and intuitive tags. At its core, Instagram is entirely based on ReactJS, allowing users to fully embrace its speed and reliability.
New York Times
The New York Times recently implemented ReactJS in a project that simulates the different looks of stars on the Oscar red carpet. The interface of this project, which allows users to filter through a gallery of photos from 19 years, is built using ReactJS, which enables crucial time-saving features such as efficient re-rendering.
Netflix utilizes ReactJS in its Gibbon platform, which is specifically designed for low-performance TV devices. Using ReactJS, Netflix has experienced improved startup speed, runtime performance, modularity and various other advantages.
Yahoo! Mail
Yahoo’s mail client incorporates ReactJS as a result of Facebook’s ownership of Yahoo! The React-based architecture provides Yahoo! Mail developers with code that is easier to work with and offers better overall performance.
Over a year ago, Dropbox made a switch to ReactJS, joining the ranks of app developers who recognize its value. ReactJS has been instrumental in Dropbox’s success as a cloud-based storage service and online backup solution.
Khan Academy
ReactJS is extensively used in various parts of Khan Academy. Developers at Khan Academy have praised ReactJS for its efficient element-changing capabilities and the elimination of unnecessary re-renders.
Vivaldi Browser
The popular chromium-based Vivaldi Browser is also powered by the ReactJS library. Built on HTML5, ReactJS, JS, CSS3, and other engines, the browser leverages the capabilities of ReactJS to deliver a seamless browsing experience.
Codecademy fully incorporates ReactJS into its platform, recognizing its battle-tested nature and compatibility with legacy code. ReactJS has enabled Codecademy to streamline its front-end development, making creating and maintaining components easier while fostering a strong community.
Whether for a website or mobile app, ReactJS is proven to be the top choice for companies to create seamless, engaging and dynamic user interfaces. It also offers reduced risk, improved efficiency and effectiveness for developers.